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 Recurring Young Volunteers Per Month

Recurring Young Volunteers Per Month

Give back events per month

Give back events per month

West Palm Beach Orlando, Salt Lake City, Rome, Sao Paolo, Rio De Janeiro, Buenos Aires

West Palm Beach Orlando, Salt Lake City, Rome, Sao Paolo, Rio De Janeiro, Buenos Aires

Receiving Education Daily Through our Give Back School in Rio de Janeiro

Receiving Education and meals through Give Back School

Hours Volunteered

Hours Volunteered

Warm meals Donated

Warm meals Donated



Recognizing the challenges caused by excessive social media use and its impact on our youth, we offer a platform that enables them to connect with their communities. Through our programs and events, we empower them to give back.

Sign Up as a Volunteer
where we serve Our Video Explanation



Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, spends 4-7 hours daily on their smartphones globally.

The obsession with technology can result in psychological, physical and social disorders, including depression, anxiety, repetitive motion disorder, sleep deprivation among others.

Gen Z are now exposed to the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Never have we ever been so connected, but yet disconnected with reality.

Over 73% of Gen Z report feeling lonely.

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, spends 4-7 hours daily on their smartphones globally.

The obsession with technology can result in psychological, physical and social disorders, including depression, anxiety, repetitive motion disorder, sleep deprivation among others.

Gen Z are now exposed to the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Never have we ever been so connected, but yet disconnected with reality.

Over 73% of Gen Z report feeling lonely.





 Recurring Young Volunteers Per Month

Recurring Young Volunteers Per Month

Give back events per month

Give back events per month

West Palm Beach Orlando, Salt Lake City, Rome, Sao Paolo, Rio De Janeiro, Buenos Aires

West Palm Beach Orlando, Salt Lake City, Rome, Sao Paolo, Rio De Janeiro, Buenos Aires

Receiving Education Daily Through our Give Back School in Rio de Janeiro

Receiving Education Daily Through our Give Back School in Rio de Janeiro

Hours Volunteered

Hours Volunteered

Warm meals Donated

Warm meals Donated

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24
where we serve Our Video Explanation


16 years old


“Being a part of The Give Back Community has benefitted me in ways i can’t even explain.

My experience with Give Back School has impacted my life already, it’s an experience I would have everyday if i could.

The children radiate so much happiness, love, and purity that i end up receiving so much more than I gave, i always leave feeling so full of joy. I have learned things from them that i don’t know I would have learned otherwise.”

21 Years Old


“Volunteering with The Give Back Community has changed my heart and faith. We live in a world where many people only think about themselves, but this community does the opposite. They give back with love, kindness, generosity and pure joy and expect nothing in return. We volunteer because at the end of the day it’s the smiles that bless us all.”

25 years old


“Being able to serve at the Give Back Community has been a beautiful blessing in my life and it is a huge opportunity from the Lord. I’ve found that through putting the needs of others before my own has made me to find joy in making a difference”

24 Years Old


“Being part of a nonprofit organization that helps children with disabilities means you're contributing to making a positive impact on the lives of those children. At The Give Back Community we empower children with disabilities to reach their full potential and live fulfilling lives.

We provide multi sports events for kids with disabilities to promote their emotional and physical well-being and empower them by breaking down barriers to participation in sports. Besides, we foster inclusivity, generosity, kindness, and equality for all children, regardless of their abilities.”

14 Years Old


“The Give Back Community means only happiness and joy. I’ve been doing this for more than a year and since that day I am happy to be God’s hand. As well as helping and blessing others”

24 years old


A few years ago, I was focused only on myself, unaware of what empathy truly meant. That changed over four years ago when I fed the homeless for the first time. That simple act opened my eyes to the impact I could have on others' lives, shifting my focus from what I could gain to what I could give. This moment sparked the journey that led me to create The Give Back Community.

Through The Give Back Community, I want to inspire others to serve, because service not only helps those in need but also deepens our empathy. By raising awareness of the struggles around us, we can ignite a wave of generosity that changes lives, starting with our own. Live Generously.